name of the organization is REFRESHING WORD MINISTRIES (RWM). The congregation
is referred to as EVERGREEN CHURCH (Jeremiah
17:8). All branches of RWM shall be known as Evergreen Church.
official colors of the Ministry are Green,
White & Brown
– always fresh; never withering
– Purity
– Humility/Simplicity
To make a difference in the lives of
people through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the
Holy Spirit (Luke
- WE
HAVE A DREAM of a church where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated,
and the confused from Africa and the nations of the world can find love,
acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance, and encouragement.
- WE
HAVE A DREAM of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ using every means
possible to people of all nations.
- WE
HAVE A DREAM of thousands of members coming together every Sunday for
worship in a church-family and living in harmony together.
- WE
HAVE A DREAM of many ministries, and where everyone has opportunity to
serve according to their gifts.
- WE
HAVE A DREAM of equipping every believer for significant ministries by
helping them discover the gifts and talents God gave them.
- WE
HAVE A DREAM of developing people to spiritual maturity through the
preaching of God’s word, Bible studies, and ministerial and leadership
training seminars.
- WE
HAVE A DREAM of a well resourced media centre where God’s word is produced
in both print and electronic formats for distribution round the world.
- WE
HAVE A DREAM of a ministerial leadership development institute, where spiritual
leaders are raised for the 5-fold ministry; leaders who are starting
churches and imparting lives around the world.
- WE
HAVE A DREAM of raising and sending out hundreds of missionaries and
church workers all around the world, and empowering every member for a
personal life mission in the world.
- WE
HAVE A DREAM of an international headquarters of the church, with the
state-of-the-art equipment for worship and for live broadcast and
web-casts. Also many other facilities, including offices, youth and
children’s churches, an International Bible College, bookshops, libraries
and apartments for staff.
(LK 4:18, Ps. 1:1-4)
- Preach the gospel of Christ to all nations, using every means available
- Produce and distribute Christian literature and materials of all forms to spread the gospel
- Provide social services, wherever needed as a means to demonstrating the love of Christ, and relieving the vulnerable from distress
- Transform lives and raise Spirit-filled and productive ministers.
- Teach members to depend wholly on God’s word, and to make confession of God’s word an integral part of their lives
- Teach members to shun worldly pleasures, live holy lives and in high expectation of the Rapture.
objectives of EVERGREEN CHURCH shall be realized through a 4-stage process
which is explained below:
Evangelize and win souls; feed them with
God’s word to transform their lives; train them to discover their callings, so
that they can provide spiritual leadership and impact lives, wherever they are:
- We believe in the Bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God.
- We believe that there is only One God, the Creator of all things in heaven and on earth
- We believe in the Holy Trinity; God eternally existing in Three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and that all these are One.
- We believe in the Deity of Christ; that Christ is God, born of a virgin and conceived of the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that Jesus died; rose again from the dead and ascended into heaven bodily
- We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is by repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ
- We believe that regeneration by the power of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God is essential for personal salvation.
- We believe in Jesus Christ as the head of the Church which is also His Body.
- We believe that the Church is one Family, with God as the Father.
- We believe in the manifestations of the Holy Spirit through the gifts of the Spirit and that He manifests Himself in any believer as and when He (the Holy Spirit) wills.
- We believe in the five-fold ministry of the Prophet, Apostle, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher.
- We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and make us holy.
- We believe in the rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of Christ.
- We believe in the final resurrection of both the saved and the lost; the former to eternal life in heaven and the latter to eternal judgment in hell.
We believe:
- God’s word is God Himself and that it has been with God from the beginning.
- God has exalted His word above all His Name.
- God’s word is sharper than any two-edged sword and more powerful than anything in this world, including every negative situation.
- By following God’s word we can please God, realize our dreams and become all that God wants us to become.
- Faith in God’s word is what binds us together in love as a family.
- We can live holy and righteously, and go to heaven only by obeying God’s word.
- God’s word is spirit and life; it is like fire in our bones.
- We activate and put God’s word into action when we study it, meditate on it, and speak it.
- Positive words build us up, but negative words bring us down
leadership Philosophy of EVERGREEN CHURCH is leadership by example. The
leadership therefore commits itself to its role as ordained by God, which is to
instruct the flock in the knowledge and wisdom of God, to love and care for
them, so that their lives can be pleasing to God at all times. Specifically,
the leadership of EVERGREEN CHURCH commits itself to:
- Study and teach/preach the Word of God in sincerity and truth, without fear or favour
- Pray for members of the church for their growth and safety
- Stand in prayer with members of the church in their difficult times
- Pay regular visits to members
- Provide training for members in ministerial leadership and personal growth.
- Use resources of the church judiciously, and in the interest of the church
- Be transparent in the use of financial resources of the church
- Be committed financially and materially to the church in Offerings, Tithes and Special Donations
- Respect members of the church irrespective of social or economic background
- Stay committed to the Great Commission of Christ
As it commits itself to the
above, the leadership of EVERGREEN CHURCH expects the following commitments
from each member:
- Attend all church services and meetings, and on time
- Study God’s word and pray every day for the church, its leaders, and for their own needs
- Avoid negative confessions and speak God’s word regularly, in all situations.
- Make friends in church and encourage fellowship through visitations and sharing
- Join a group in the church, and participate in all their activities
- Pay tithes monthly and also offerings.
- Contribute financially and materially to the church when required.
- Witness to your friends and family and invite them to church.
- Speak to other people about Christ wherever you are and invite them to church
- Avoid gossip and say good things about the church and its leaders at all times.
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